Roll Me Away

With only Labor Day left in the summer holiday trifecta of Memorial, Independence and Labor Days, it could be time for you to go on that neglected road trip. With a long weekend still vivid in my mind, I share with you these tried and true travel tips:

Travel Fashion
When you’re going to be in the car without stopping for longer than two hours and you aren’t driving directly to a wedding, it’s acceptable to wear whatever you want (that wouldn’t get you cited and/or arrested).

Cup Holder Delegation
If you’re lucky enough to have vertical cup holders like me, you’ve probably learned that there’s a delicate balance in keeping your drinks upright. Let’s say you’re riding solo – what do you do? Easy. Drink in the back (to give it somewhere to go OTHER than the floorboard if it starts to tip), phone in the front (so that if it rings and your music is too loud, you’ll see it light up). However, what if you’re stopping at McDonald’s for a coffee on your way out of town and you need to have your wallet handy? Having experienced four deactivated debit cards too many, I can tell you – don’t put your wallet in the front holder with that cell phone, pal. One of them has to be relegated to the door pocket. If you’re traveling with a passenger, agree that the smallest diameter cup always gets the back holder (again, to save your floorboards). For those of you with horizontal cup holders? I don’t know…say St. Christopher’s prayer and move along, I guess…

Audio Enjoyment
Road trips with multiple people are a great way to learn more about each other, catch up on current events, and mine collective knowledge on those hard questions like:

  • Who owns interstate easements, the State or the Feds? (State)
  • How old is Tom Skerritt? (78. It’s true, Wikipedia it (and check out that creeper over his right shoulder!).)
  • Does Tom Hiddleston look better as natural blond or demigod black? (I can make a case for either.)

If you’re by yourself, road trips are a perfect time to catch up on podcasts* or enjoy music** you’d never confess to (still) liking (un-ironically). Note: By road trip law, this playlist must contain at least one song by Bob Seger with or sans Silver Bullett Band.

Road Rules
I don’t know why, but it seems like everyone I know discusses driving theories in religious terminology. Here are two such theories; one is original, one is borrowed. First, my original two-pronged theory to speeding:

  • There’s a 10 mi plus/minus. Anything else is too dangerous. (Note: The plus/minus I’m comfortable with myself is 4.)
  • If you’re the lead car in a group of cars, and you’re speeding, you’ve got to let one car – you just need one – to surge ahead before speeding up. I call this the sacrificial lamb theory.

My friend Valerie has a theory about multi-passenger trips – with three passengers, someone must always be awake with the driver, and that person must always be in the passenger seat. She calls this the Trinitarian Theory of Road Trips. It’s a good one.

Some quick lessons learned:

  • Stop at truck stops in Mississippi. They’re spectacular.
  • If you look down and freak out because your fingers are blue, make sure you haven’t been sitting on one hand while you drove with the other.
  • Pack as few things on top of your spare tire as possible and keep your trunk clean. You will really appreciate this when you’re fixing your flat on the side of the interstate in the middle of nowhere.
  • If you get a crack in your windshield and think you can wait until it cracks more before you get it fixed AND you’re visiting a place with 95+ degree temps for consecutive days, go ahead and keep $300 on hand, just in case.
  • Never underestimate the power of Seger.

I hope these tips help you on your summer road trips. Be safe, y’all!

*I highly recommend the Nerdist podcast, but cannot recommend it for under PG-13…ok…R…rated audiences.
**Submitted for your PG-13 consideration: Reality Used to be a Friend of Mine. Sadly, Spotify does not host the Seeg, but we can pretend that it does and sing Shakedown at the top of our lungs. In our cars. Alone.

And, more recently, Off the Map (with Michael McKean…did you SEE that?!?!)

A Friday morning family e-mail thread:

From: Clapp, Susan
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:06 AM
To: Clapp, Jennifer R; ‘Clapp, Candi’; Ed Clapp
Subject: Trip


This has been added to my “bucket list” compliments of Keith and Susie Guyton. Anyone interested? I think I’m going. (Need to check cost)

Susan Clapp |


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From: Clapp, Jennifer R
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:27 AM
To: Clapp, Susan; ‘Clapp, Candi’; Ed Clapp
Subject: RE: Trip

Hmmmm…I’m starting to feel queasy thinking about it. Maybe I’ll go, let Y’ALL zipline, and I’ll go to the on-site spa…

Jennifer Clapp
Administrative Assistant


From: Clapp, Susan
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:31 AM
To: ‘Clapp, Jennifer R’; Clapp, Candi; Ed Clapp
Subject: RE: Trip

Chicken. Bwaaaack, Bwaaaack……..


From: Clapp, Candi
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:34 AM
To: Clapp, Susan; Clapp, Jennifer R; Ed Clapp
Subject: RE: Trip

Lol!! Nope, Jennifer if you go, YA GOTTA DO IT!!! Just close your eyes and DON’T look down!! Looks like it would be so much fun!!

Candi Clapp
Closing Examiner

From: Clapp, Jennifer R
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:46 AM
To: ‘Clapp, Candi’; Clapp, Susan; Ed Clapp
Subject: RE: Trip

Whatever, y’all. I’ve seen those episodes of Gray’s Anatomy…


Cure for the Summertime Blues?

How about some music?

I plan to update this,  so check back for new songs…

Also, I highly recommend 8 Tracks.


In this playlist:

Maybe It’s Just Me: Butch Walker

Be True to Your School: The Beach Boys (Try NOT to think about Full House…)

Neighborhood #3 (Power Out): Arcade Fire

Rosealie: Better Than Ezra

Paradise By the Dashboard Light: Meat Loaf (If you get bored during the whole baseball allegory, it’s cool…so do I.)

Wish You Were Here: Incubus

Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’: Michael Jackson

Little Bit of Feel Good: Jamie Lidell

Keep the Car Running: Arcade Fire

As Lovers Go: Dashboard Confessional

Where’d You Go?: Jamie Lidell

I Can’t Get Next to You: The Temptations

Butterflies: Michael Jackson

Old Old Fashioned: Frightened Rabbit

Just My Imagination: The Temptations

Swim Until You Can’t See Land: Frightened Rabbit

Great(ish) moments in history: May 24, 2010

Here are some fun, pre-noontime facts about today:

1.  It’s my brother’s birthday! Happy birthday Ed!

      Also, it’s my Aunt Diane’s birthday and cousin Emily’s birthday, so HB to them, too! 

2.  I’m enjoying a vending machine lunch. Yum! Pretzels, cookies & a Diet Dr. P. Eating vending lunches in my cubicle makes me feel very very old, despite it all being kid food.

3.  I am still thinking about LOST. I’ve seen mixed reviews about the finale; here’s my take: While the “reveal” was kinda predictable, it was the perfect conclusion to [this particular series of] LOST because it didn’t result in any firm conclusions (at least not to me). You know “what happened” but are left to draw your own ideas, discuss it with friends, and spend countless hours pouring over DVDs to keep deciding on “how it happened.”

      The JMC major in me says this is genius. By giving an ending that people won’t just talk about, but instead keep debating and considering possibilities, they are keeping their show relevant. In the words of Jay-Z, they’re doubling their money to make a stack. Or, in this case, more stacks.

4.  I remembered to bring my Lysol wipes to work today – my desk needs to be cleaned big time and now that the H1N1 thing is on the backburner, we don’t get free Clorox wipes anymore.

5.  It’s a short week followed by a short week: We get a half day on Friday and then Memorial Day on Monday, so I’m headed to the great state of Alabama in just a couple of days!

What are you enjoying today?

PS Did you watch Kimmel last night? A slight let down from a cast participation standpoint, but funny. If nothing else, it made me curious about when they stopped manufacturing Electric Youth. (There’s a wiki, but nothing about the manufacturing dates of the perfume.)

The Very Best SXSW Recap

If my computer wasn’t so old, I could’ve posted on Brooke’s site: “Great wrap-up…the way I felt about the performance was definitely driven by the venue. I guess that’s the way it is when you’re “old.” From that Pigeon band to the Doobie Brothers…I’m gonna miss everybody, and I’m gonna miss everybody, and I’m gonna miss everybody, and I’m gonna miss everybody…” However, my home computer is too old, and my work browser is too old and can’t be updated so I didn’t post that. So, this last bit was a comment-by-proxy.

Here’s a little recap:

Bands we saw:


Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt:  Emo’s Annex. All gimmick. Some substance? I can’t remember; there was so much gimmick that it’s all I could focus on. The main guy was painted blue and in a Circus emcee’s costume. All the other guys were also in costume, they handed out other costumes to audience members and then had two girls come up onstage and dance. I don’t mean “dance ::nudge nudge::;” I mean “flail wildly for two seconds then stand awkwardly ::cringe cringe::.”  The two lead guys also did all their singing from the crowd. B & I left when the blue guy started getting closer to our area.

Body Language: These guys were at Mohawk’s inside stage. I know they were good because even though we couldn’t get anywhere near the room to see them, we asked people who they were until we found out.

Thursday: (I think this is where Thursday starts…I honestly can’t remember, except that I know the Pigeon Terror was on Wednesday.)

Man/Miracle: Beauty Bar outdoor stage. They were okay. California guys. Unassuming. I could have done without their lead singer making out with the girl lead singer from Sleepy Sun between their sets. Right in front of the stage. In the middle of a big empty space while everyone in the crowd was focused on the stage.

Sleepy Sun: They went on right after Man/Miracle and I think they’d come straight from the Emo’s Annex? We were going to EA for them & Bear in Heaven but got the Pigeon Terror instead. Sleepy Sun had great music, but the singers were a little too “on” for me. Example: After setting up his own rig and doing his own soundcheck, the guy lead singer took the time to walk over to the “prop suitcase” to put on sunglasses right before he performed. Lame. Great music, though; I can’t leave that out.

The Soft Pack: Max’s Wine Dive. Venue WIN! Free drinks, free food – and good stuff, not just “until it runs out,” or cheap stuff. I was excited about seeing TSP; they sounded good but muffled…people were jammed toward the corner of the room where they were playing, and we were sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. I’d see them again, and definitely go back to the venue/restaurant.

Dawes: Lustre Pearl. This was probably my favorite venue because they seemed to anticipate their audience. Plenty of space, even with tons of people. Dawes sounded great, and reminded me of a band that would be at home at the Ryman or on stage at a country western bar. A must see if they come to Nashville.

Delta Spirit: Lustre Pearl. This is part of the three way tie of my favorite show. I’d only heard two of their songs before, but they were rockin’! Another must see…in fact, I’m adding them to my Pollstar notifications right now…

The Walkmen: Carniville @ the Mexican American Cultural Center. (Click on that link for the RSVP, which will make your eyes bleed.) Very mellow; a great way to end the real first day of SXSW (Wednesday was not so purposeful unfortunately). I’d heard them at ACL last year, and I recommend them to anyone that likes music in the style of 60’s through New Wave Brit Rock. This venue was pretty cool, too; if I’d spent more time there it might have been my favorite. It was set up as a real carnival…


Temper Trap: Cedar Street Courtyard. We highly underestimated the people that would be coming out for this. This might have been around the time Dr. Dog was playing at the same venue? And also someone else? Anyway, we sat on the curb outside and listened to some of Temper Trap; I’d love to see them “up close,” although we heard they were pretty awkward on stage and didn’t have their act together.

Everybody’s in the French Resistance Now: Mohawk’s outdoor stage. These guys seemed to base every song off of another song. Which might have just been a joke? They were very British. VERY British. Think, ah, Good Shoes. They were fun to see; not sure I’d buy their music.

Frightened Rabbit: Mohawk’s outdoor stage. The second band in my three-way tie for favorite. Guys, you MUST listen to their music. So great. Translated well to a live stage, and they handled their obvious lack of sleep very well. I can’t think of the right words to say about how good they are.


Broken Bells: Mohawk’s outdoor stage. This was our first thing to try on Saturday. It was frightfully cold and the line for Mohawk’s wrapped around the curb of the street a block away because the lineup was Broken Bells, The Antlers, then The Black Keys. RIGHT. So, B & I found a nice rock to sit on outside of the venue, stood fast against the cold and wind, and listened to a really good set. When we couldn’t feel our ears anymore, we walked over to the ReadyMade magazine party to see…

Everest: Beauty Bar Annex @ The Palm Door. This was the first band (of SXSW) I hadn’t heard of that I’ve got to see again. They were really, seriously good. I wish the venue’d been easier to find because it would have been crazy with people, but at the same time I’m glad that it wasn’t because we were able to get in to a (heated) building and stand with about 20 other people and just enjoy the music. They were great. ReadyMade, however, disappointed us with a lack of free crafts (unlike the Austin Etsy party from Thursday, which was awesome…I met Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching!).

The Antlers: Walked back toward Mohawk’s to see if the line was any shorter. It was…kinda…so we got in it. We stayed there long enough to hear Sylvia and then left. I think this is when we met up with Samantha, Jonathan and Not-Jonathan. The mission became finding free food.

She & Him: Stubb’s. I’d heard Zooey’s voice when we were walking toward Mohawk’s; they were still playing when we came back and we’d heard there was free food of some kind. Samantha, Brooke & Not-Jonathan got in…the guy was holding my ID when he said no one else in. They were about to kick everyone out and then start re-entry for badge holders only. Lame, but only kinda. Zooey’s voice gets on my nerves and I always wish the music was just M. Ward.

Oh No Ono: Lustre Pearl. Shocker of Saturday. These guys from Denmark were pretty great, although they looked like they were in the Lollipop Guild. Seriously, with their outfits they could have been emo Von Trapps. (Think Austrian-prep. Old World but in candy colors.) Their voices were very Passion Pit/MGMT; it was a shock to see someone flawlessly capture that style live. Also, the guy in front of us LOVED them, which was funny to watch. (Side note, the screaming-Seattle-hipster-metal band that played before them might have been a fave of Joseph Gordan-Levitt. I think I saw him there.)

Sondre Lerche: Lustre Pearl. Just him and his guitar. Perfect! It was so freezing cold, though…he refused to play any ballads.

The Very Best: Carniville @ the Mexican American Cultural Center. Third in tie to be my favorite and a KILLER way to end the weekend. Seriously. We thought Major Lazer was about to come on, but when we got there there was a DJ (and they’d been using DJs between artist sets, so no biggie) and then the DJ introduced “someone someone from Malawi” and I thought “Hey, this could be the guy from The Very Best!” I’d been trying to see them all weekend but it just hadn’t worked out. So the guy from Malawi comes out. Then he introduces someone else from South Africa. Who then introduces some back-up dancers, and also the DJ again, who were from the UK. Then they perform MIA’s Paper Planes in another language (of which I won’t offend by trying to guess which one). It was so great. People were going CRAZY! My favorite part was when the uber-cool, put-together guy in front of us had funnel cake dust (powdered sugar) spilled on him by his friend. He was so pissed! On the way back to the car, we finally put together that we’d seen The Very Best because of the way the Malawi guy’d introduced everyone else…”Here is the very best rapper from South Africa…” “Here are the very best dancers from the UK…” Yeah, I’m quick like that.

Potentially we saw:

Free Energy: I’m not sure where we saw them, but they handed out their cassette tape at several locations. I got home and heard their song on the newest Paste sampler and know that I heard that same song at some point over the weekend, I just can’t remember when or where.

Bands I missed but will have to check out soon before I explode:

Johnny Flynn & the Sussex Wit (They played before I got to town.)

Temper Trap (mainly just more of them,  although we heard they were socially awkward)

Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings (It wasn’t free to go to this show.)

Band of Horses (It wasn’t free to go to this one, either.)

Bear in Heaven (I really wanted to see them, but we either just missed them or were four hours early, I can’t remember which. Somebody said they were the best of the week…)

Cary Brothers (Not free 😦 )

Dr. Dog (Not sure how we missed this…I think we’d already seen everyone else playing around this time, though.)

Major Lazer (It was way too cold to wait for the set to start.)

Bone Thugs (They were even later than Major Lazer.)

Macy Gray/Snoop/Hole  (They were all at the Perez Hilton bash, but mostly I read about the long line to get in and the long line for the bathroom. Not that sad that I missed them, but I bet that was a crazy switch from Snoop to Hole.)

Here are some pictures: