The Geekboat Files Vol. 1

While shopping for the perfect 90210 birthday gift for my bff Brooke, I came across the book Geeky Dreamboats: A Celebration by Lacey Soslow & Sarah O’Brien*. I’ve already gotten myself a copy.

In addition to deliciously nerdy pictures, each entry has this CV:

Before putting it in the giftbox and sealing it up, I read it. How could you not? It’s about dreamy nerds! With a few exceptions (some non-geeks, I think, are included), the book is fantastic! I added index cards with my thoughts at the acceptable places (like the Wilson Bros. page) and SWORE I saw an entry for Anderson Cooper. Sadly, I was mistaken. Once I realized that absence, though, my brain went into overdrive…who else would I add to my Geekboat list?

This is what I thought about at work this morning; maybe sitting in front of my PC with a spreadsheet open in front of me invigorated my Geekboat senses.

My recommendations for addition:

1. Anderson Cooper (of course)

2. Andrew Bird

3. Matthew Gray Gubler (He’s my fave right now; attributed to all my ION Television Criminal Minds watching.)

4. Lukas Haas

(With the exception of Anderson Cooper, who, again, I SWEAR I saw in the book on my first look-through) I guess it’s no secret that in addition to geeks, I have a thing for tall, mostly dark-haired, spindly guys. As they say in France, le sigh.

Applications (well, the comments section) are now being accepted for Geekboats. Who would you include?

Now…on to life’s big question: Can Geekboats build tables?

*In other words, everything about that book and the image from that book (and the word “geekboat”) is copyrighted. This isn’t my original idea. This is a wonderful idea by Lacey Soslow & Sarah O’Brien. Thanks Lacey & Sarah!